Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We’re not going to do this alone...

Out: "...You can’t let it die! It’s our duty to stick with the gay rights movement and to remind them that we’re not done, that this isn’t finished, we still don’t have equal rights. Is it only gonna take us literally being accosted and our rights being ripped out of our hands or people killing themselves to make people pay attention? Shame on us...Of course. When I watched The Normal Heart, I felt really shitty about myself. I thought to myself, Larry Kramer is active, doing it, I’m lazy… well, I realized, I’m not lazy at all, but I’m definitely not Larry Kramer. But then I realized, I don’t have to be. Larry Kramer has to be Larry Kramer. But I can do it my way with a song. And if someone else wants to stay quiet, they’re not comfortable yet, they should not come out of the closet. But I can’t be quiet. I’m gonna die someday. And if I live most of my life without equal rights, then I am literally pissing on the graves of every man who died of AIDS. I am somehow disrespecting them. Of course, we can’t all be Cleve Jones. But we can say, “Cleve Jones, what should we do?” This guy said to me today, “Where’s the new leader?” And I said, “I’ll be it!” If you fucking need a leader, I’ll be it. Chad Griffin is a leader. Dustin lance Black is a leader to me, and he’s using his writing, because that’s what he does. I know how to sing, I know how to perform, I know how to talk to a crowd, I’ll do that. We’re going to do this together. We’re not going to do this alone..." (Gavin Creel, the Singing Activist)

Gavin James Creel (born April 18, 1976) is an American actor, singer and song writer. Born in Findlay, Ohio, Creel received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theatre at the University of Michigan in 1998. Creel, who is openly gay, is a regular on the LGBT RFamilyVacations cruise with Rosie O'Donnell. He is also one of the founders, with Rory O'Malley and Jenny Kanelos, of Broadway Impact, an organization fighting for equality and the LBGT community. He was recently in Hair at the Gielgud Theatre in the West End (Wikipedia).

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